DBlog team invites you this year to have a comprehensive and an interesting workshop during the 40th Cannes Yachting Festival, one of the leading boats shows on the French Riviera! It takes place between the 12th and the 17th of September, and we are happy to welcome you on Thursday the 14th of September in the Grand Hotel in Cannes, just in front of the venue.
A nice facility will allow you to have a breakfast before the festival and along with this we will demonstrate YachtPro Software’s new features and present to you our 2018 strategic vision! This time sessions in several languages (English / French/ Italian/ Spanish / Russian) will include dedicated trainings on our products portfolio, with the best consulting service from our experts.
We would be pleased if you could join our workshop. For all arrangements and questions you are welcome to contact:
Claire Cornez - Business Development
Thierry Soulier - DBlog CEO and Founder
- Claire CORNEZ
- Thierry SOULIER